Thousands of people continue to enjoy Warninks Original Advocaat, and it won a Gold Medal at the 2001 International Wine & Spirit Competition. For cocktail ideas featuring Warninks, visit our in-the-spirit.co.uk. With 17.2% vol. Warninks Advocaat is especially popular in the UK at Christmas; they claim it wouldn't be Christmas without Warninks Advocaat! A tried-and-true favourite is the Warninks Snowball: 2 Measures of Warninks over ice, topped up with Lemonade or Soda, and a 0.25 measure of fresh Lime or Cordial. Garnish with a cherry or a slice of lime. Pick up a bottle in advance to avoid the Xmas Rush! As the largest quality advocaat manufacturer in the world, Warninks is the brand leader and outsells all other advocaats. Warninks offers a smooth, velvety texture and a creamy finish, and this product is sold in 70 cl