Introducing PRIME Hydration Drink - LA Dodgers Edition - a tribute to the spirit of baseball and the iconic LA Dodgers. PRIME, renowned for its excellence in hydration, now brings you a special edition drink that captures the essence of the City of Angels and its beloved baseball team. Every sip is a testament to the passion, dedication, and energy that the Dodgers bring to the field. This isn't just a beverage; it's a celebration of a legacy. The unique blend offers a taste that's as dynamic and thrilling as a Dodgers game, ensuring you stay hydrated whether you're playing sports, cheering from the stands, or simply going about your day. Its striking blue hue mirrors the Dodgers' colors, making it a collector's delight for fans. Imported with the highest standards of quality, the PRIME Hydration Drink - LA Dodgers Edition is more than just a drink; it's a symbol of pride, unity, and sporting excellence. Embrace the spirit of Los Angeles and its baseball heritage, and let PRIME be your hydration champion. Here's to a drink that hits a home run, every time! Cheers to the unmatched legacy of the LA Dodgers with PRIME!
We have sourced our stock from resellers who managed to get their hands on the limited drop, which is the reason why it priced higher than our other Prime, if we are able to source stock at a cheaper price, we will lower the price of the this product.